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Xavierbier Baguio

Xavierbier Launch and Baguio Craft Brewery Grand Opening

Enjoy the rich taste of local craft beer brewed in the cold climate of Baguio at the Xavierbier Launch and Baguio Craft Brewery Grand Opening.

Date & Time: June 21, 2014 (Saturday) | 3:00 pm - 11:59 pm

Location: Baguio Craft Brewery

Xavierbier Brauerei


RKC Building, 120 Marcos Highway,
Km 4, Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines



Xavierbier 2

Hier gibt es einen Bierausschank mit mehreren schmackhaften Bieren. Natürlich frisch gezapft, direkt von der Quelle!

Video von der Xavierbier Brauerei in Baguio - Na, denn Prost!

Braumeister Arnold Miguel

Hier erwartet sie Braumeister Arnold Miguel mit seinen verschiedenen Biersorten. Er berät sie gern über die einzelnen Sorten und deren Brauart.


Biersorten 2

Da schmeckt das frisch gezapfte Bier nochmal so gut!

Something Brewing Easternworld

Xavierbier Logo   ABOUT US (©2014 Xavierbier. All rights reserved.)

Xavierbier is the story of six like-minded individuals from three different countries driven by the desire to make their mark on the emerging craft beer culture in the Philippines.
The desire was cultivated in 2011 when Chris Ordas met with Ryan Garcia in Seattle to discuss the possibility of opening a microbrewery in the Philippines. Within two years, Mico Cortez, Michael Anderson, and Alex Basa joined the team to offer their individual strengths. All their ideas were fleshed out in Edmonton, Canada when Chris and Alex met with Arnold Miguel, Xavierbier’s Head Brewer.
We believe in adapting and evolving by integrating the best of foreign influences into our culture, without compromising our identities as Filipinos.
The concept of craft beer originated in the West, and we recognize it to be a very desirable cultural staple to bring into our country. We strive towards recreating the vibrant Western beer drinking culture locally and infusing it with our unique and enduring Filipino identity.
Having said that, we believe that our character as Filipinos lies not only in what we were from the beginning, but also in what we have become today. This acceptance is what defines Xavierbier -- an organization that respects all that we were, embraces all that we are, and looks forward to all that we can and will be.

Something Brewing - Skyworld

Unsere Technik


Tank für die einzelnen Biersorten

Braumeister Arnold with Ditmar

Braumeister Arnold mit Ditmar (Webmaster Baguio Info)

Braumeisters Arbeit

Braumeisters Arbeit

Reinigung der Kessel

Reinigung der Kessel - neue Maische soll angesetzt werden


Die Wasseraufbereitung - sehr wichtig für eine Brauerei!

Something Brewin Westernworld



(©2014 Xavierbier. All rights reserved. | info@xavierbier.com)

Why Baguio?
Simply put, Baguio stands out as the place where native culture ties in seamlessly
with daily life in the face of a thriving foreign presence, and we feel that it fits the
identity that we want to establish. The climate is also conducive to brewing, and
this works to our advantage in the production of certain beer styles.


Why Ifugao Realms?
We have decided to dedicate our flagship line to the Ifugao – a strong, hardy
people, whose culture remained intact in the face of a thriving foreign presence.
We also want to express the diversity of our brewing capabilities by creating a
parallel reference with the Five Realms of Ifugao Mythology, as these realms can
be no more different from each other.
These realms – Pugaw, Kabunyan, Dalom, Lagud, and Daya – are totally different
places, but exist in the same world. This parallelism shows that each beer style
can be as different from each other as the Earthworld (Pugaw) is to the Skyworld
(Kabunyan), or the Easternworld (Lagud) from the Westernworld (Daya). Each
style is a realm in itself, possessing different characteristics and flavour profiles,
but all still exist under the same world of beer.


How is beer made?
Brewing involves multiple processes that revolve around grains, hops, and yeast,
and depends on the beer style. However, a standard craft brew includes the
following steps:
1. Hot water is mixed with malted grains to create a thick substance called mash.
2. A sugary liquid called wort is drained off the mash.
3. The wort is then boiled with hops to add bitterness and more complex flavors and aromas.
4. Finally, the yeast is added, producing the alcohol and CO2. The foam on top of
the beer comes from the CO2.
5. The brew is left to ferment for a few weeks to produce beer.

When we say that craft beers are “made from scratch”, we are referring to step 1, where we work with the malted grains themselves. Most commercial beers, on the other hand, skip immediately to step 3 by purchasing wort extract – wort which has been pre-processed by other companies – in order to reduce costs.

How many types of beer are there?
There are many different types of beer but all fall under the two main types: ales and lagers. The difference lies in the temperatures at which they are fermented. Ales are fermented at higher temperatures and are generally more robust and complex. Lagers are fermented at lower temperatures and are generally cleanertasting and crisper than ales.


What is ABV, IBU and SRM?
ABV - Alcohol By Volume. The alcohol content of the beer in percentage. The
higher the percentage, the stronger the beer.
IBU - International Bittering Units. The measure of the bitterness of the beer. The higher the number, the more bitter the beer.
SRM - Standard Reference Method. This refers to the color of the beer. The higher the number, the darker the color.


What is the best way to take care of your beer?
Oxidation occurs when beer is stored lying on its side, making the drink heady (frothy) and difficult to drink. Storing beers on their sides also permits the cap to contaminate the beer itself. Take care of your beers by storing them upright at the right temperatures.


What is craft brewing?
Craft brewing is the expression of oneself through the creation of pure, unadulterated beer. No shortcuts, no cheating, no unnecessary chemicals to make the brewing process easier or the beer last longer. Whether the brewer is a seasoned veteran or a starting hobbyist, the beer can be considered “craft” when done with the utmost respect for the beer and, ultimately, the drinker.

Something Brewing Earthworld


Braumeister Arnold with Mitarbeiter

Braumeister Arnold mit einem Mitarbeiter


Im Brauraum - modernste Technik


Die Reinigung - neue Maische soll angesetzt werden

Ausschank und Lager

Hier entsteht ein Bierausschank - wird auch als Lager genutzt

Braumeister Arnold

Ein freundlicher Braumeister Arnold Miguel erwartet seine Gäste

ein Erlebnis mit gutem Bier!

                                                 Logo Xavierbier

(©2014 Xavierbier. All rights reserved.)

Die Xavierbier Brauerei erwartet sie! Offizielle Eröffung am 21.Juni 2014


We open Saturday june 21 - 3pm!!!!

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Baguio City - Luzon - Philippinen



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